Services Offered

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Grids of various services

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  • cloud db

    Cloud databases

  • file explore

    File backups

  • email server

    Email servers

  • file explore

    File storage

  • ecommerce


  • remote desktop

    Remote desktop

Technology Expertise

  • Information Architecture

  • User Experiences

  • App Development

  • User Interface


Years Of Experience

How we work?

Home Work

Modern Cloud Data Platform Solutions

Building efficient and scalable data platform for real-time and streaming data ingestion and management for driving data-centric business outcomes and actionable insights

Our Big Data Service Capabilities


Data Ingestion

Our capabilities help discover potential sources of data and build a robust ​Data Ingestion mechanism to collect, ingest, and manage multiple data sources.


Data Storage 

Our ​Data Storage experience includes engineering scalable data warehouses and data lakes to efficiently store and retrieve data.

Proficiency in databases, multiple tech stacks, and database models such as Graph, Search, Columnar, and Timeseries ensure that we choose the best available solution to suit your use case to make data available fast and in the right format.


BI & Analytics

Business also leverages our ​BI and Analytics capabilities​ to build interactive and self-service dashboards to consume and visualize their data to derive insights for enhanced decision making.

We leverage popular BI platforms or custom make them to suit the organization’s needs.


Artificial Intelligence 

Our Artificial Intelligence practice​ allows the business to build custom models to automate decision making.

Company Statistics

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